Thank you for investing in the life and mission
of All Saints Lutheran Church. Every year, the support of our members and friends makes ongoing and new ministries possible. Your gifts to the General Fund support the daily ministries of our church, its programs, staff, outreach, and building maintenance. During Lent, we share our midweek worship offerings with the Madison Area Jail Ministry (MAJM). Our neighbors in the Dane County Jail are blessed to have their spiritual needs met through the services provided by MAJM. The MAJM pays the entire salary for the lead Dane County Jail Chaplain. Your gift to the endowment program enables you to contribute to the ministry of All Saints after you die through an estate plan by naming the church as a beneficiary of an IRA, insurance policy, annuity, will or trust. Please contact the church office at (608) 276-7729 for information regarding the endowment fund. Last, but certainly not least, your volunteer gifts of time and talent enliven and care for our family of faith and extend our outreach into the community and beyond. These combined gifts give All Saints Lutheran Church the ability to impact lives today, tomorrow and on into the future. Thank you. |
Make a Gift Today!
Contact Church Secretary [email protected] (608) 276-7729 Pastor Kristin Woelk [email protected] (608) 276-7729 |